
기술지원 정보

전화번호 080-830-5200

업무시간 : 평일 09:00 ~ 11:00 / 12: 30 ~ 17:00

※ 기술지원 문의는 순차적으로 답변 해드리겠습니다.
제목 [LT 2005] 서비스 팩1(공통)
등록일 2005-04-25 오전 9:39:00 조회수 16316

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*General Information

It is recommended that you back up all custom MNU, MNS, MNR, MNL, and MNC files before installing the service pack.

During the installation of this service pack, you will be prompted for the original installation CD or network image. Administrative permissions are required to install and uninstall products in order to successfully apply service packs.

Once this service pack is applied, you cannot run an automatic uninstall to remove the service pack. Uninstall the product and reinstall to undo the service pack changes.

The service pack may also be deployed by Administrators over the network using the Network Installation wizard.
첨부1 ACLT2005sp1SWL.exe (3 MB)